Prince William County has created a pro-business climate by expanding its targeted industry sectors, using fast-track permitting for targeted industries, competitive real estate and personal property tax rates, aggressive tax depreciation schedules, and unique local financing opportunities. 这些, combined with business incentives offered by the Commonwealth of Virginia, 使太阳城娱乐成为国内和国际市场上新业务的有力竞争者. Click here for a summary of incentives offered by Prince William County and the Commonwealth of Virginia. 如果您的企业符合以下任何州和地方激励列表,请致电我们的业务发展经理了解更多信息.
威廉王子郡监事会设立了一个机会基金,以帮助吸引和留住目标行业. 县监事会可根据经济发展部的建议授权使用这些资金. Funds may be used for infrastructure improvements, 现场准备, 员工服务, 和/或资本设备采购. A Performance Agreement is required.
太阳城娱乐为目标行业提供快速许可和场地许可费用减免. 快速许可将县计划审查时间缩短了50%,并在县发展服务部门提供了一名项目经理,他可以解决冲突并确保快速审查.
该县拥有约130英亩的创新园,可供出售给技术和生命科学公司, 公司总部, 政府承包商, 先进制造业. 土地以市场价格出售,该县可以将出售所得再投资于公共基础设施和场地改善项目.
Through 水和下水道费用抵免, 太阳城娱乐可以减少与太阳城娱乐服务管理局的供水和污水管道的新连接的一次性费用和容量费. 这些信贷对生命科学和先进制造部门的大型用水/下水道用户最有用. A Performance Agreement is required.
In addition to highly competitive tax rates for business property, Prince William County offers aggressive depreciation schedules for business property. 一般, 营业财产(可编程计算机设备和外围设备除外)在取得当年按其原价的85%进行评估. 的 percentage decreases in increments of 10% each year thereafter. 的 depreciation schedule for computer equipment is shown below:
- 第一年:原成本的50%
- 第2年:原成本的35%
- 第三年:原成本的20%
- 第四年:原成本的10%
- 第5年:原成本的5%
工业收入债券(IRB)是由弗吉尼亚州联邦创建的一种融资工具,旨在通过诱导制造业来促进工业和发展贸易, 工业, 政府, 非营利性的, 和商业企业通过发行免税的联邦所得税和弗吉尼亚州所得税债券,在弗吉尼亚州设立或留在弗吉尼亚州. This allows the bonds to generally carry a lower interest rate than conventional financing.
- 501 (c)(3)设施
- 医疗设施
- 若干废物处置设施
- 高等教育设施
- 多户住宅设施
- 政府设施
- 生产设备
Prince William County has six federally designated 机会区. 在这些地区的私人投资在某些情况下有资格享受税收优惠待遇. Investors can defer capital gain tax on any gains by investing in a Qualified Opportunity Fund, which invests in the project in the Opportunity Zone.
Prince William County has three (3) HubZones, 95号州际公路上的两个, 另一个靠近66号州际公路. 美国.S. 小企业管理局(小企业管理局) 指定“历史上未充分利用的商务区”或“中心商务区”,以鼓励小企业在城市和农村社区的选址和发展. 这些企业凭借其地理位置,可以优先获得联邦采购机会. 的 HUBZone program was created in 1997 and is administered by the U.S.小企业管理局.
- HUBZone的好处
- Competitive and sole source contracting
- 10 percent price evaluation preference in full and open contract competitions, as well as subcontracting opportunities.
- 联邦政府的目标是将联邦主要合同总额的3%授予获得hubzone认证的小企业.
- HUBZone的资格
- 一定要复习一下 HUBZone底漆 to understand the requirements to qualify for the program.
- A business (except tribally-owned concerns) must meet the following criteria:
- It must be a small business by 小企业管理局S definition standards; Detailed criteria matched to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS);
- It must be owned and controlled at least 51% by U.S. citizens, or a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, or an Indian tribe;
- Its principal office must be located within a “Historically Underutilized Business Zone,” which includes lands considered “Indian Country” and military facilities closed by the Base Realignment and Closure Act; and
- At least 35% of its employees must reside in a HUBZone.
- 如果你符合条件, 点击这里 应用.
的 Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund 是否根据州立法规定的特定标准建立了可自由支配的财政激励措施,以支持创造新的就业机会和投资的项目. 拨款给社区, which are then passed on to the company after the company achieves specific milestones. 的 funds may be used for such things as site acquisition and development, 劳动力培训, 交通访问, public or private utility extension or capacity development, and construction or build-out of privately owned buildings.
VEDIG is a discretionary cash grant to assist and encourage companies to locate significant headquarters, 行政, or service sector operations in Virginia. VEDIG requires an investment of at least $5 million (or $6,500 per job) plus job creation thresholds ranging between 300-400 jobs depending on wage.
VJIP是一项经济发展激励措施,通过抵消新公司和扩张公司的招聘和培训成本,支持在英联邦创造新的就业机会和投资. Eligibility is limited to growth by qualified companies in these sectors: 公司总部, 配送中心, 信息技术, 制造业, 研究与开发, 共享服务中心. VJIP包括三个倡议:
- 的 New Jobs Program (companies with more than 250 people): At least a $1,000,5万美元的投资和25个新的职位,专注于现有公司的扩张或新的工厂地点.
- 的 小型企业 New Jobs Program (companies with 250 or fewer people): At least a $100,000投资和5个新职位是专门为弗吉尼亚的250名员工或更少的公司设计的.
- 再培训计划仅限于制造业和配送中心部门的营利性公司的项目. This program provides services and funding to help them upgrade the skills of their existing employees.
- 250人以下的公司:对5名全职员工进行再培训,资本投资至少为50美元,000
- 员工超过250人的公司:重新培训10名全职员工,资本投资至少500美元,000
SBJGF provides cash reimbursements per job, 价格在500美元到2美元之间,000, plus a variety of free recruiting and training services for new and growing companies. Companies must have 50 employees or less and fall under the following sectors: Corporate HQ, 研究与发展, or Information Technology Services to Business, 举几个例子. 要求包括在24个月内创造5个新工作岗位,并进行至少50美元的资本投资,000.
SBJGF also provides support for Virginia companies that are upgrading the Recruitment & Selection skills of their existing workforce.
的 Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit is a $1,000 corporate income tax credit per job over a 50 job threshold; the job threshold must be met within a 12-month period and taken in equal installments over a two-year period (i.e. 每项工作每年$500).
弗吉尼亚州设立了六个对外贸易区,旨在通过有效地取消或减少关税来鼓励企业参与国际贸易. FTZs allow businesses to defer paying U.S. 在进口货物进入美国国内消费之前,对该货物在经济区内持有的关税. No duties are paid if goods are re-exported. Businesses are allowed to store goods within foreign trade zones for an unlimited period of time. 他们还被允许在区域内生产产品,并按照使用的外国零件或成品的税率缴纳关税, whichever is most advantageous to the company.
- 的 FTZ serving Prince William County is Washington Dulles FTZ #137. 137号对外贸易区位于华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场,占地约271英亩,并有以下扩建地点:
- Victory International Warehouse near Washington Dulles
- Collier Industrial Park in Winchester
- A 90,000 square foot warehouse in Stonewall Industrial Park in Winchester, property adjacent to Winchester Airport
- Wrights Run property – 155 acres zoned for light 工业 and commercial
- Hazout expansion site west of Dulles Airport. 的 Grantee of FTZ #137 is Washington Dulles Foreign Trade Zone, Inc.
- 联系人:Anita Kayser-703.572.8714
- To learn more, contact a member of the Economic Development Department. 我们很乐意帮助你.